How is life? let me tell you what's up!
Stockholm is great, it's a slow process breaking down the shy bubble of security these swedes have, but it's worth it as I'm experiencing the best new friendships. In saying that, other things are complex.
My visa is running out in a few days, so I took a trip to the Permit Unit to sort out an extension. After a 3hr wait, the officer was short of a sense of humor. She coldly told me I have been in the country past over my visa, and whilst crapping my pants I had to argue to try and avoid getting thrown in the slammer! Turns out she sucks at maths, and I have until 10th on June. An extension should be approved, will find out this week.

How is life? let me tell you what's up!
Stockholm is great, it's a slow process breaking down the shy bubble of security these swedes have, but it's worth it as I'm experiencing the best new friendships. In saying that, other things are complex.
My visa is running out in a few days, so I took a trip to the Permit Unit to sort out an extension. After a 3hr wait, the officer was short of a sense of humor. She coldly told me I have been in the country past over my visa, and whilst crapping my pants I had to argue to try and avoid getting thrown in the slammer! Turns out she sucks at maths, and I have until 10th on June. An extension should be approved, will find out this week.
Oh yeah, and Dropkicks are coming to town!
Daily struggle to learn swedish
Noticing my Swedish progress is the drive, with everyday a new word entering the ‘lexicon’ (dictionary) of my vocabulary. The confidence battle is defiantly a drawback, and choosing who to speak with in practice. My mate Joel cannot be thanked enough, with the now common expression he utters “Nu ska vi bara prata I svenska!”
Noticing the girl sitting next to me in the train, while Joel is encouraging me to describe my day in Swedish is a little bewildering; I can see her listening to my words like they are cute. Not a manly situation, but knowing that I am being understood lifts up my cheeks to produce and organic self satisfied smile.
vad jag ska göra? HELP

Ok I need help choose a soundtrack for my snowboarding vid!
Hjälp mig att hitta musik till min video!