
Urban Coffee Stockholm
Upon entering the glass door, the scuttled cluster of thought would be replaced with a fresh crisp smell of ground coffee beans. Wearing shirts labeled “who is urban?” the barista’s will draw attention from a new customer. An inquisitive person can only grasp the reality that his time standing there staring had distracted his thought. He was surrounded by an atmosphere that separated his mind from reality. With an array of artistic pictures cut out from magazines being presented against the wall. Cantering across the shop, whilst curiously reading the faces of all the patrons, he advances to the counter. Little did he know that his meddlesome behavior had drawn the attention of a ‘Charlie Chaplin’ resembling fellow. This man has cocked his brimmed hat down and began to twitch his moustache, like he was sweeping his lips with a broom. With both eyebrows lifting slightly before they drop. His attention was a constant stare at the newest arrival to the café. All awhile flipping open a notebook, and retrieving a pencil from which had been used to slide into his shoe to scratch an itch on his foot. ‘Charlie’s’ heavy breathing had apparent distraction to a young uni student, who's impulsive knee would bounce. Quietly waiting for perhaps some friend, her attention would verve between the un-mechanical wheezing of the man’s drowning breathes of air, and the animated search for the ‘friend’ from thru the window…